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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Penn State Keys To Winning

Just thought I'd write a couple of quick things about our keys to winning when we play against Penn State this weekend.


I think this game, as it will be in nearly all of our games this year, it is imperative that we establish a consistent running game. We don't have to run for 200 yards to win, but we do have to consistently get three to four yards when we try it. This will be challenging because of their linebackers but Carlson stretching the middle of the field (as he did last year) will go a long way in keeping them hesitant to commit to stopping the run. Not only will running the ball consistently allow us to maintain time of possession and move the ball down the field creating better field position, but it will also take pressure off Clausen and open up the play action game. Running the ball effectively will keep us out of third and long, allowing Weis to use a larger portion of his playbook, and not forcing us into obvious passing situations where they can send the house.

Secondly, I think it will be important to give Clausen a few easy, comfortable, high percentage passes early in the game in non-obvious passing situations. That may be rolling him out of the pocket on play action bootleg passes or getting him in the shotgun and utilizing some play action draws with Allen in the backfield. Whatever it may be, I think it's important to get him a little confidence early on in the game. I also think we need to take some chances down field with him. It is essential that we stretch the field be it keeping seven in and giving Clausen time with plenty of blockers or a skinny post off play action. Finally, Clausen must be better in the short, quick passing game whether it be called plays or hot route reads. The inability of Sharpley to make the appropriate reads and get rid of the ball as well as the lack of execution making sight and hot route adjustments doomed our offense last week. Penn State's corners are aggressive and fast so it is also important for Clausen to not lock onto a target as he seemed to do last week against Georgia Tech.

These two things will be important in our win. However, to me, the factor in this game that is more important than anything will be turnovers and big plays. Turnovers are important in all games as it is the number one correlator in wins and losses but with our offense likely incapable of coming back from being down multiple scores, field position is paramount and turning the ball over, as we saw last week, spells disaster. Hopefully we will be able to execute some screen passes and get the ball into Allen's hands with some open field.


On defense I believe we should sacrafice the run, at times, to control Penn State's passing game. I'm not sold on Morelli as being a composed quarterback but Penn State has excellent receivers across the board. Give him time and our secondary is unlikely to hold up. As we didn't (again) generate consistent pressure on the passer last week, even when blitzing, we may have to give them the running game a bit more to protect our secondary. In obvious passing downs I believe it is important to play soft, keep everything in front of us, and tackle well. Their receivers' talent lies mostly in their RAC (run after the catch) capabilities so they will likely try to exploit our defense through slip/bubble screens, slants, and other short routes that get the ball into their receivers hands with space.

I believe we will need to both generate some turnovers on defense and also prevent the big play. We need to keep this a low scoring, grind it out, field position game. On defense this comes down to getting them off the field on third down, containment, and physical, aggressive play. The first of these is best served by playing well on first and second down, forcing them into long third down situations, and making Morelli beat us while applying pressure. The second has hopefully been addressed this week in practice, learning how to "set the edge" (as Weis calls) it by maintaining containment with our ends, outside linebackers, and corners (depending on the particular defense). Finally, playing physically and agreessively is purely attitude. We need to come out hitting on all cylinders early and often in this game. If we don't start off well we may have to play from behind which is not our strength and may prevent us from winning.