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Monday, June 23, 2008

Fighting Irish 2008 Season Predictions Results

Thanks to those of you who participated in the 2008 season predictions. There was more participation this year than last (link here), albeit still not as much as I would have liked. I have included the results below.
Similar to last year the predictions look optimistic with greater than 60% of those who participated in the poll believing the Irish will win at least eight games. Even with a much weaker schedule (as discussed here) improving the win total by five games will be a tall task for the Irish. For the statistics' fans out there the average number of predicted wins was 8.5 with a standard deviation of 1.7.
As shown below, 8-4 and 9-3 were the most popular choices for the 2008 Irish record with 10-2 falling closely behind. But a few folks believe the Irish will fair similarly to 2007-despite a seemingly easier schedule-with two people predicting a 4-8 and 5-7 record. Overall, however, the consensus is that Notre Dame will win between 8 and 10 games in 2008.

There seems to be relatively little dispute on what games the Irish win and lose. As shown below, 100% of those polled believe the Irish will beat San Diego State, Stanford, Navy, and Syracuse. Additionally, 92% of those polled believe the Irish will lose to USC while 83% believe Michigan State will beat the Irish. Only games against North Carolina, Pittsburgh, and Boston College seem to be in doubt.