See Me At A New Time and Place

Some fellow Notre Dame enthusiasts have invited me to contibute my prose at their site.

Please continue to view my work here. I appreciate your continued support.

Go Irish!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Woodworking Projects

One of my favorite things to do is build stuff. I have a variety of tools (nail guns, skill saw, double-bevel miter saw, compressor, jig saw, router, etc.) and have completed several projects I am pretty proud of. Typically I work with my buddy Vinnie (Vincenzo Siciliano, he's German). Most of them are shown below. If you are in the Cincinnati area and want some work done just let me know. I apologize for the appearance of the pictures below. It's really tough to get the picture editor in this thing to do what you want it to.

Cornhole Sets

These are the sets Vinnie and I made for a few people while on vacation, er a work assignment, down in South Carolina near Hilton Head.

Some more sets we did for a friend we met in Hilton Head.

And finally, for the Marines in MCAS Beaufort (just outside of Hilton Head).

These are some sets Vinnie and I made for our friends we work with here in Cincinnati. Yes, it was physically painful to do the OSU set.

Some UC sets we did for another friend in Cincinnati.

A few examples of some of our finer stenciling work...

Anyone a Browns' fan?

How about the Bengals?

And last, but not least, the best sets in the world.


Here are some shelves that Vinnie and I built. The set on the left was my custom design for a friend I work with. The set on the right Vinnie and I built for his wife.


Over this past Christmas my cousin and I built some built-in's for a room in his house. Here is the unfinished look (no cabinet doors, caulking, wood putty, sanding, painting, etc.) with a couple of finished pictures below.

Entertainment Center

Another Christmas, another project with my cousin. Before:


And soon to come, the finished pictures...