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Friday, September 14, 2007

Michigan Keys To Winning

Just a quick few notes on the Michigan game....


Again, as it will important in every game this year, we need to be able to run the football. We need to do it consistently and, most importantly, we need to be able to pick up third and short situations on the ground. The more we keep their defense on the field the better chance of winning we have.

It goes without saying that our offensive line play must improve in order to run and pass the ball but there is another, more specific, reason we need it in this game. From the last two games Weis will know that beating Michigan is all about stretching the field. And that's exactly what his offense is designed to do. It is designed to make you defend every player, both vertically and horizontally. That doesn't necessarily mean going deep early and often, but he has the scheme to get it done.

In order to do this you need to be able to stretch the middle of the field as well as the sidelines. We can stretch the sidelines with outs, hitches, and some arrow, quick hitch throws from Clausen. Additionally, we can use flares to get Armando out in space (I'm still surprised we haven't tried about three to four screens a game with him). That will get their linebackers pursuing to the sidelines and open up the middle of the field for Carlson. However, if the line can't block, we will have to keep him in, and the ways in which we can attack their defense will be diminshed.

We DO NOT need the spread offense with Demetrius to win this game. Situationally it may prove useful but it isn't the complete answer to winning the game.


There is one defensive key to stopping Michigan in this game: contain Michael Hart. We have the ammunition to do it (as he publicly guaranteed a win for Michigan) and that should help motivate the defense. But we can't allow him to get 30-35 carries for 130-140 yards. We need to hold him to a <3> yards per carry and force them into long third down situations to give us a better chance of getting off the field.

Mallet will play fine as long as he doesn't have to do everything, i.e. as long as they aren't in obvious passing downs like third and long. His offensive line will give him time but in those types of situations we can apply pressure. If we don't get them into third and long and then get them off the field we are in for some trouble. I know our secondary is improved but they haven't been repeatedly and consistently tested. Michigan, even with Mallet, has the capability to do this. If we get them into third and long and successfully apply pressure, we can win. It would be nice if we were on the giving in of a fast, aggressive, blitzing defense getting 5+ sacks rather than on the receiving end.